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Discovering Roslavets - I. Silver Night
Various composers

Brackman Trio

Discovering Roslavets - I. Silver Night

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Challenge Classics
UPC: 0608917200096
Catnr: CC 720009
Release date: 07 February 2025
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Challenge Classics
Catalogue number
CC 720009
Release date
07 February 2025

About the album

"Discovering Roslavets" revolves around the beautiful music of Nikolaj Roslavets (1881-1944) and his intriguing life. For decades efforts have been made to erase his music from the musical canon. In "Silver Night", Brackman Trio debut album and first volume of "Discovering Roslavets" series, Roslaves' unique harmonic innovations and his use of new musical structures are explored.
Often referred to as The Schoenberg of Russia, Roslavets pursued his own compositional pathway. On this album, Roslavets' Trio is paired with one of Schoenberg's most celebrated works. In addition the CD features Shostakovich First Piano Trio, composed in the same period and place as Roslavets'.

"Discovering Roslavets" draait om de prachtige muziek van Nikolaj Roslavets (1881-1944) en zijn intrigerende leven. Decennialang zijn er pogingen gedaan om zijn muziek uit het muzikale canon te wissen. In Silver Night, het debuutalbum van het Brackman Trio en het eerste deel van de Discovering Roslavets-serie, worden Roslavets' unieke harmonische innovaties en zijn gebruik van nieuwe muzikale structuren onderzocht.

Vaak aangeduid als de Schoenberg van Rusland, volgde Roslavets zijn eigen compositieweg. Op dit album wordt Roslavets' trio gecombineerd met een van Schoenbergs meest gevierde werken. Daarnaast bevat de CD het Eerste Pianotrio van Sjostakovitsj, gecomponeerd in dezelfde periode en op dezelfde plaats als dat van Roslavets.

„Discovering Roslavets“ dreht sich um die wunderschöne Musik von Nikolaj Roslavets (1881-1944) und sein faszinierendes Leben. Jahrzehntelang wurde versucht, seine Musik aus dem musikalischen Kanon zu streichen. In ‚Silver Night‘, dem Debütalbum des Brackman Trios und dem ersten Band der Reihe ‚Discovering Roslavets‘, werden Roslaves einzigartige harmonische Innovationen und seine Verwendung neuer musikalischer Strukturen erforscht.
Roslavets, der oft als der Schönberg Russlands bezeichnet wird, verfolgte seinen eigenen kompositorischen Weg. Auf diesem Album wird Roslavets' Trio mit einem der berühmtesten Werke Schönbergs kombiniert. Darüber hinaus enthält die CD das erste Klaviertrio von Schostakowitsch, das zur gleichen Zeit und am gleichen Ort wie Roslavets' Werk komponiert wurde.


Tim Brackman (violin)

“Creating something together, that’s where the strength of chamber music lies for me. The connections between the players are short, you can inspire each other in a very direct way. You are part of a group, but at the same time, you have an indispensable individual voice.” Tim’s love for chamber music led to the formation of the Brackman Trio and the Animato Quartet at a young age. From 2014 to 2017, he organized an annual chamber music festival in Amsterdam with the Brackman Trio, and since 2018, he has been the artistic director of Podium Eibergen, organizing the annual Chamber Music Festival Eibergen, among other events. While chamber music holds a prominent place in his schedule, he also focuses on other...
“Creating something together, that’s where the strength of chamber music lies for me. The connections between the players are short, you can inspire each other in a very direct way. You are part of a group, but at the same time, you have an indispensable individual voice.”

Tim’s love for chamber music led to the formation of the Brackman Trio and the Animato Quartet at a young age. From 2014 to 2017, he organized an annual chamber music festival in Amsterdam with the Brackman Trio, and since 2018, he has been the artistic director of Podium Eibergen, organizing the annual Chamber Music Festival Eibergen, among other events.

While chamber music holds a prominent place in his schedule, he also focuses on other repertoires. He has performed as a soloist with various youth and amateur orchestras. As a finalist in the Dutch Violin Competition Oskar Back, he soloed in Schumann’s violin concerto with the Residentie Orkest conducted by Otto Tausk. In this competition, he won both the third prize and the NTR Prize for Best Performance of a Commissioned Composition with his interpretation of Calliope Tsoupaki’s ‘Aeriko.’

Tim pursued his bachelor’s degree with Ilona Sie Dhian Ho (The Hague) and Eszter Haffner (Copenhagen). He completed his master’s degree with Vera Beths in 2018. Subsequently, he took a postgraduate course with Pavel Vernikov and Svetlana Makarova at the Accademia Musicale Santa Cecilia in Bergamo, Italy (2018-2020). His lessons with Ivry Gitlis, Marc Danel, Hatto Beyerle, and Eberhard Feltz were a significant source of inspiration for him.

In addition to the Brackman Trio and the Animato Quartet, Tim forms a duo with violinist/violist Floor Le Coultre. Chamber music has taken him to festivals such as Stiftfestival, the Banff Centre, and the Verbier Festival. At the International Chamber Music Festival Utrecht (IKFU), Tim served as a Young Artist in Residence in 2020, responsible for a large part of the programming.

Tim regularly gives masterclasses for young talented musicians, including at the Davidsbündler Music Academy in The Hague and in Cividale del Friuli, Italy.

Tim plays a J.T. Cuypers violin from 1797. His bow, by the Parisian maker A. Vigneron, was acquired with the support of the Stichting Eigen Muziekinstrument.

“Tim is a captivating artistic personality with a keen sense of timbre and a natural charisma” (jury report Dutch Violin Competition Oskar Back).



Arnold Schönberg

Arnold Schoenberg was one of the most influential composers of the 20th century, but perhaps also one of the least listened to. Strikingly, Schoenberg was self-educated, even though his music is imbedded in complex music theory. It was Schoenberg who definitely departed from tonality and he developed the twelve tone technique. In this composition style, one has to use every twelve tones of the scale, before one can be repeated. The struggle to adhere to this dogma is clearly audible: his music is tense, hectic and particularly acute - and therefore at times not that accesible to occasional listeners.  Nevertheless, his music and his liberation of tonality had an enormous impact on all composers that came after him. Together with the...

Arnold Schoenberg was one of the most influential composers of the 20th century, but perhaps also one of the least listened to. Strikingly, Schoenberg was self-educated, even though his music is imbedded in complex music theory. It was Schoenberg who definitely departed from tonality and he developed the twelve tone technique. In this composition style, one has to use every twelve tones of the scale, before one can be repeated. The struggle to adhere to this dogma is clearly audible: his music is tense, hectic and particularly acute - and therefore at times not that accesible to occasional listeners.

Nevertheless, his music and his liberation of tonality had an enormous impact on all composers that came after him. Together with the music of his students Alban Berg and Anton Webern, his style is often referred to as the Second Viennese School, parallel to the First Viennese School of Mozart, Haydn and Beethoven, who, in a similar vein, changed the history of music for good.

His most performed works are his string sextet Verklärte Nacht, his five Orchestra pieces op. 16, and his opera Moses und Aron. The development of Schoenberg's music can be heard in his Five String Quartets in particular.


Dmitri Shostakovich

Dmitri Shostakovich was a Russian pianist and composer of the Soviet period. He is regarded as one of the major composers of the 20th century. Shostakovich achieved fame in the Soviet Union under the patronage of Soviet chief of staff Mikhail Tukhachevsky, but later had a complex and difficult relationship with the government. Nevertheless, he received accolades and state awards and served in the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR (1947–1962) and the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union (from 1962 until his death). A polystylist, Shostakovich developed a hybrid voice, combining a variety of different musical techniques into his works. His music is characterized by sharp contrasts, elements of the grotesque, and ambivalent tonality; the composer was also heavily influenced by the...
Dmitri Shostakovich was a Russian pianist and composer of the Soviet period. He is regarded as one of the major composers of the 20th century.
Shostakovich achieved fame in the Soviet Union under the patronage of Soviet chief of staff Mikhail Tukhachevsky, but later had a complex and difficult relationship with the government. Nevertheless, he received accolades and state awards and served in the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR (1947–1962) and the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union (from 1962 until his death).
A polystylist, Shostakovich developed a hybrid voice, combining a variety of different musical techniques into his works. His music is characterized by sharp contrasts, elements of the grotesque, and ambivalent tonality; the composer was also heavily influenced by the neo-classical style pioneered by Igor Stravinsky, and (especially in his symphonies) by the late Romanticism associated with Gustav Mahler.
Shostakovich's orchestral works include 15 symphonies and six concerti. His chamber output includes 15 string quartets, a piano quintet, two piano trios, and two pieces for string octet. His solo piano works include two sonatas, an early set of preludes, and a later set of 24 preludes and fugues. Other works include three operas, several song cycles, ballets, and a substantial quantity of film music; especially well known is The Second Waltz, Op. 99, music to the film The First Echelon (1955–1956), as well as the suites of music composed for The Gadfly.



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